Every year as Mother’s Day approaches I get a little sentimental, a little weepy.  I am very blessed by the gift God gave me wrapped up in my mom.  My mom is my best friend.  We talk almost every day.  We love to go on adventures together and visit every quilt shop along the way. My sister says we share a brain…which sometimes I think is true! I have always been close to my mom and I know that isn’t the case for many people.

I also had two amazing Grandmothers well into my adulthood.  Grandmas who were present at my dance recitals, choir concerts, graduations, and other smaller everyday life events.  My Grandma Young taught me to play cards, to do needle point, and garden (which didn’t stick).  My Grandma Blake lived five minutes from us, and she was our last minute babysitter, the driver for fun runs to Thrifty for ice cream, and hostess with the mostest for our almost daily summer pool parties with my cousins.  They were two amazing women who helped to shape and form me in very different ways.

I have also been blessed by so many different women in my life through the years.  Women who have loved me like a daughter.  Women who have taught me and showed me how to be a strong woman of God.  Women who have shared their hearts with me in such a motherly way. 

This is what often makes me teary eyed…remembering all these women in my life and the legacy they shared with me once upon a time.  Many of those beloved ladies are long gone but I remember them fondly.  I remember the love and lessons they taught by simply living out their faith.

I strive to live up to the standards set by those significant women in my life.  As I do my best to live and love and be the woman that God has created me to be.  There are times when I wish I could hear my Grandma Blake’s voice, see my Grandma Y’s face, sit with my mentor, pray with my prayer warriors, simply be in the presence of those that have gone before me…and tell them thanks.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the women in my life!  Thank you for simply being you and sharing that with me.

Pastor Jenni

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.  
Keep these words that I am commanding you today in your heart.  
Recite them to your children and talk about them when you are at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you rise.
(Deut 6:5-7)